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Vanessa Sparling


Vanessa Sparling is thrilled to join The SuperGeographics as a board member.


Originally from California, Vanessa has lived and worked in New York theatre for over 18 years. Vanessa looks forward to contributing her enthusiasm and experience as the former Managing Director of SITI Company and an Associate Producer of the Ohio Theater to support this group of artists.

She holds a Bachelors in Theatre from the University of California, Santa Cruz, a Masters in Performance Studies from New York University, and a Masters In Education from Hunter College, New York. She is currently an ENL (English as a New Language) teacher at middle school in South Brooklyn where she helps children learn language so that they can advocate for themselves and their families. 

SuperGeographic | su·​per·​geo·​graph·​ic | \ˈsü-pər-ˌjē-ə-ˈgra-fik\
adjectiveOf a culture suspended between many countries, forged by a shared respect for its distinct parts.

© 2015-2023 The SuperGeographic Ensemble Theatre, Inc.

All pieces within The SuperGeographics' repertoire are available for presentation. For more information please contact us directly.


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