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Es una historia real entre dos mujeres en Berlín a finales de la segunda Guerra Mundial.
Es la invisibilidad.
Es un amor que te modifica, renueva, cambia, destruye tu “moralidad”, conmueve, despierta y te hace sentir la vida.
Es un amor incondicional, verdadero que sobresale a pesar del peligro, de lo prohibido, de vivir contracorriente, de todo.
Es lo inesperado, la fuerza, el coraje, escucharse, romper barreras, vencer dificultades, bailar en medio de la mierda y sonreír.
Es un amor juzgado, incomprendido, enfermo, rechazado, no correcto, que se rompe por un sociedad ciega, injusta, desconectada, inhumana, que mata en una época oscura en la historia la humanidad y que aun esta en la actualidad.
Es este Studio Week, voy a desarrollar y crear una historia basada en este hecho real en Alemania, en la época Nazi, pero que, sin embargo, ocurre en la actualidad. Trabajaré en el libreto de la obra y decidiré en este Studio Week cuales son las mejores herramientas para usar en la creación de Aimée y Jaguar. Una historia que me conmueve y siento necesaria de contar como artista y como mujer.

It is a true story between two women in Berlin at the end of the Second World War.
It talks about invisibility.
It is a love that modifies, renews, changes, destroys your "morality", moves, awakens and makes you feel life.
It is an unconditional, true love that stands out despite the danger, the prohibited, living against the current, everything.
It is the unexpected, the strength, the courage, listening, breaking barriers, overcoming difficulties, dancing in the middle of shit and smiling.
It is a judged, misunderstood, sick, rejected, not correct love that is broken by a blind, not fair,, disconnected, inhuman society, which kills humanity in a dark time in history and is still present today.
It is this Studio Week, I am going to develop and create a story based on this true event that took place in Germany in the Nazi era, but which, nevertheless, occurs today. I will work on the booklet of the work and decide in this Studio Week which are the best tools to use in the creation of Aimée and Jaguar. A story that moves me and I feel necessary to tell as an artist and as a woman.

Trace Still 2

Paola Pozzo

Paola Pozzo

SuperGeographic | su·​per·​geo·​graph·​ic | \ˈsü-pər-ˌjē-ə-ˈgra-fik\
adjectiveOf a culture suspended between many countries, forged by a shared respect for its distinct parts.

© 2015-2023 The SuperGeographic Ensemble Theatre, Inc.

All pieces within The SuperGeographics' repertoire are available for presentation. For more information please contact us directly.


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