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Studio Weeks is The SuperGeographics’ program to support individual artists develop and share their distinct creative processes. From our mission to create, exchange, challenge, and build, we invite company members and guest artists to spend one paid week developing their own work. This could mean the development of a project’s movement score, a script, or research on a new piece. Some may choose to use this time to take a class in a new form, a language, or to bring together collaborators and spend the week in rehearsal. It’s up to the artist how they wish to spend their time.  

So often, scarcity of time is the difference between an artistic interest and a realized work. As a company we aim to provide space and opportunity for our artists to further investigate their interests. Studio Weeks provide an opportunity to share and celebrate distinct processes of making across our global community. In this framework, we’re able to support alternative ways of working and parts of the process which may not naturally fit inside a production budget. 

We share each other’s work in the way we would share a studio space by showing work in progress, facilitating conversation, and asking for feedback. Through this practice we build our company on the interests of each participating individual. Through Studio Weeks, The SuperGeographics are excited to support the process of investigation as a way to expand our community.  

To expand access to this opportunity and to strengthen The SuperGeographics’ ties to our global community we invite guest artists to join our Studio Weeks program to work on their own projects. We’re thankful to work with guest artists who make this a more vibrant program for all involved, and in return we provide the full support of the company’s staff and ensemble.  

Studio Weeks has provided support to projects in India, Chile, Spain, Sweden, the UK, US & Mexico. 

Follow the links below to see the artists' we've supported in previous years:  

SuperGeographic | su·​per·​geo·​graph·​ic | \ˈsü-pər-ˌjē-ə-ˈgra-fik\
adjectiveOf a culture suspended between many countries, forged by a shared respect for its distinct parts.

© 2015-2023 The SuperGeographic Ensemble Theatre, Inc.

All pieces within The SuperGeographics' repertoire are available for presentation. For more information please contact us directly.


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