Its only nine weeks until the second Block Island Residency. I am so excited and counting down the days (literally). We are all preparing in our own ways, in our own parts of the world to come together and create.
What are we creating? What did we create last year? A play, yes. But for me, personally, the play was almost a by-product of something much much bigger.
We came together and created an artistic community, a new communal language between artists, a group ideology, a living, changing, growing story, an international family.
So, how is one of this ensemble preparing over the next nine weeks?
Research: Reading, reading, reading, watching theatre and reading. Revisiting old favorites; Zola, Chuck Mee, The Big Book and finding new ideas in; Proof, How to make your own gin, the method gun, Nana, James Holliday's wine companion, just to name a few.
A Health kick: Good bye beef burgers hello Kale. Last year I was inspired by the other artists on Block, the gluten free eaters, the vegetarians, the yoga people, the runners, the jugglers, while also being in constant conversation about consumption it is impossible for it not to filter into all the other aspects of my day to day life. Health is infectious. Both good health and bad health, both physical and mental. As an actor I feel it is our responsibility to bring our best selves to any project we commit to.
Physical work: the work we do is physically demanding (a challenge we all love) and I want to be in peak physical condition when I start at Block in order to positively contribute to the choreography and the Bacchic physical vocabulary
The Bacchic costume design…. ideas bubbling away...
2016: Same, Same, but different.
I am looking most forward to taking what was created last year and using it as a starting point to go ‘bigger and better’. To explore more, learn more, write more, to work longer and harder.
I am so excited to welcome the new actor Kristian. To see how the project changes and what the Bacchic will morph into with his unique voice. The international artists working with ITW met Kristian at the family and friends weekend on Block where we trained together and presented our work.
The one thing I love about this group of artists is that we are all so very different; different culturally, from different trainings, different strengths and weakness, different languages. Kristian has such a warmth, a softness about him, it is an energy that is intergang and watchable and will add to the ITW quilt of energies.
I am looking forward with engaging with the local Block Island community and giving back to an area that gives the residency so much.
I am looking forward to the Block sunsets and the big “family meals”
I am looking forward to waking up each morning excited and grateful for the ability to tell stories with this group of amazing story tellers.
Persia-Blue Toll
Ensemble Member