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The Moving Mouths Project is an interdisciplinary performance piece that pulls together stories, text, and artworks from disparate cultures to explore how our regional specificities shape international dialogue. The play explores a globalized identity through the specificity of dissimilar locations.  

Moving Mouths was first created by Jonathan Taikina Taylor and Annika Vestel at Tokalynga Teaterakademi in Gunarp, Sweden in 2015, exploring how the Swedish language differs from United States dialects and developing different styles of communication and expression. 

In 2015 Moving Mouths was built to create an objectified autobiography through writing and recording interviews. Annika & Jonathan looked at their own stories alongside one another and patterns emerge across different kinds of people. By exploring what is shared cross-culturally we gain insight into the process of shaping a personality. What are human truths about speaking or moving and what is deeply personal or unique? 

Early performances took place at Kulurta Lyktor in Gellesborgs and Frelagrt in Goteborg, Sweden and were made possible by through the support of the Goteborg Arts Council. 

The SuperGeographics plan to continually reinvent the piece as we visit new towns and cities, adapting and accumulating a geographic history like a snowball rushing down a mountain. In 2020, born out of our socially distanced world, Moving Mouths became a live personalized audio-performance. 

SuperGeographic | su·​per·​geo·​graph·​ic | \ˈsü-pər-ˌjē-ə-ˈgra-fik\
adjectiveOf a culture suspended between many countries, forged by a shared respect for its distinct parts.

© 2015-2023 The SuperGeographic Ensemble Theatre, Inc.

All pieces within The SuperGeographics' repertoire are available for presentation. For more information please contact us directly.


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