La MaMa in association with En Garde Arts presents The SuperGeographics’ production of Helen..
With top-speed language, irreverent humor and dynamic physicality, Helen. is a story you know told in a way that you don’t. A wild adventure of paths crossing – of mothers and myths and memories and monsters – Caitlin George’s new play takes you on a journey whose experience is greater than the sum of its parts. Helen. invites you to leap into the unknown, and revel in the unexpected.
In a world of tightly-bound conventions, the god of chaos watches three sisters talk about laundry, grout maintenance, and family planning as they wait for their mother’s wake to end, or a wedding to begin. Chaos undoes a button and Helen, the youngest sister, tears loose from the constrictions of home, husbands, and obligations to seek adventure. Again and again, we see Helen grasp at opportunities only to be flung back through time to where she started. As the time loops, accumulates, and bursts, Helen is sent spiraling, banished from home, past the point of no return. A funny, feminist riff on a familiar myth, Helen. excavates our mothers from history and asks what the future holds for our daughters.
Premiered in New York City in 2023
October 13 – 29, 2023
Preview Performances: October 13 – 15
Opening: Monday, October 16
Helen is on a journey.
I am on a journey. I’m walking away from the house. Away from laundry, the peeling of vegetables, dirty dishwashers, and dinner promptly at six. From phone calls, appointments, from the daily commute, shopping with my mother-in-law, and instant coffee. Away from toast on Sundays, mortgage repayments and performative orgasms on my birthday.
Away from a bed shared. I don’t think I’ve ever slept on my own before. That’s fantastic.
I have a daughter. I left my daughter. I’ve left my daughter.
Keep walking. Where? Doesn’t matter. It’s all in the journey. I have direction.
I’m leaving. I’m in my underwear.
I’m not coming back.
Melissa Coleman-Reed
Lanxing Fu
Dramaturg/Line Producer
Set & Costume Designer
Lighting Designer
Co-Lighting Designer
Sound Designer
Production Stage Manager
Assistant Stage Manager
Production Manager
Megan E. Carter
James Schuette
Darron L. West
Caroline Englander
Alison Greene
Gabriela Gutierrez
Executive Artistic Director
Consulting General Manager
Marketing & DeveloPment
Assistant Producer
Creative Producer in Residency
Anne Hamburger
Amanda Cooper
Clara Alonso
Thai H. Singer
John C. Eisner